Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ponderosa State Park

Thursday after my CPR refresher The Holley Pack headed to McCall for a couple of days of camping in Ponderosa State Park. We arrived around 5 o'clock. The Lowe Family was gracious enough to share their campsite with us for the weekend. We set up camp and settled in. I took the dogs out for a walk around the park desperately trying to wear them so they wouldn't keep me up in the tent or wake me up at the crack of dawn.
Friday morning we woke up and took our time getting ready to hike to Box Lake. While trying to prepare our lunch for the hike Ben (Jim and Jenni's son) decided to "help" Mike with the cooler. Anything Mike put in, Ben took out and set on the ground. The game went on for a while and
provided laughs for everyone.
We hiked, or tried to hike, all the way into Box Lake but there was too much snow and we lost the trail. We settled for eating lunch in the mountains and then headed back to camp.
Mike and I then took off to explore more of the state park. We found a small beach for Beck to swim at but the water was really rough and the poor girl wasn't able to swim all that much. We were able to take a better tour later in the day once some of our friends showed up and allowed us to use their bikes to tour the park. I have to thank Sarai for showing us around.
After the bike ride it was time to eat, and boy did we. Jim bought 10, yes 10 pounds of carne asada. We feasted on tacos, rice, beans, chips, and dip. Then dessert followed with fabulous pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting and chocolate chips. I ate my way to a stomach ache. Mike was cracking us up by trying on Kennedy's (Susie's niece) biking gear. Back off ladies, he is all MINE!

Another funny happened when Walker had a time out at the base of a tree. All of us were trying not to laugh.

It was a great weekend, and I can't wait to go back to McCall.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sage Hen Reservoir

Tuesday I got out of work early and managed to convince one of my co-workers to take my shift on Wednesday. The weather in town was a little too hot for me and I thought it would be fun to take off for an overnight camping trip. I asked Mike what he thought and he was more than ready to head out, so much so that by the time I biked home from work he nearly had the car packed and ready to roll. We decided that due to our time restriction we needed to camp pretty close to home. We drove to Horseshoe Bend and then traveled through Sweet and Ola to Sage Hen Reservoir. Each year we go to Sage Hen with a great group of people and it is a trip we look forward to each year so we were happy to have an opportunity for an extra trip. We arrived around 5pm and took our time setting up camp and then headed down to the water to let Beck have a swim. Cassius was docked because we forgot his life jacket, without it he sinks like a mobster with cement shoes. I got a short, but great video of Beck launching off the dock.

Cassius playing it safe on the dock

I was able to get Mike to snap a photo of me with the dogs, but as you can see they were not very cooperative.

D trying to wrangle the pack

After a long day of an anticipation filled car ride and running around our campsite the dogs were dead tired and snuggled up to each other for a sleep by the fire.

Passed out puppies with Mike


Wednesday we got up early and hiked all the way around the reservoir. We got back to camp just in time for lunch then packed up and headed back to civilization.

Auntie D Travels Again

Last weekend I made another trip to Seattle to watch my nephews while my sister and brother in law traveled to Denver. The boys and I had a great time and the weather for the most part cooperated with our adventures.
I flew in Thursday evening just in time to get the boys into bed. Friday morning I got up early and drove Anna and Alex to the airport and on the way home made my much needed coffee run. After I sucked down some liquid energy Aidan came down stairs to greet me, and was closely followed by Ethan. We all ate some food and got ready to hit the zoo. When we left Snoqualmie the weather was looking cloudy, but still nice. By the time we bought our tickets and started into the zoo it was so cold, and no one was having a good time. After a quick snack we all decided it would be a better idea to head home for lunch and a nap (I was wiped out!).

Auntie D & Aidan pose for Ethan

After nap we loaded up the bikes and went to Centennial Fields (?) so the boys could ride around a great track while I got in a good run. During our adventure at the park, I was doing some walking lunges and it cracked me up because Aidan was NOT pleased with me. He would stop riding his bike and yell at me, "Noooo, no like Gee Gee." (He can't pronounce his d's so I am Gee Gee to him.)

Saturday morning we accomplished our normal morning routine and then packed up for a fun filled day at Linda's house. To say the boys LOVE going to Linda's would not begin to describe how they feel about visiting her. They each helped clean out the barn and dispose of the horse waste.
Ethan helps Linda drive the "tractor"
Ethan & Aidan with Catcher
After working up an appetite we headed into Gold Bar for lunch at a local Mexican Restaurant.

Aidan posing with his "love" Lizzie

After lunch I attempted to put them down for a nap, but they were too amped and so it was back to the barn for horse rides.

Sunday morning we had to pick up Anna and Alex from the airport. A while back I was watching a show on The Food Network about America's Best Doughnut Shops. They highlighted a shop in Seattle and I thought it would be a great place to take the boys for a special treat. I am not a huge doughnut fan but Top Pot has some killer doughnuts. After some sugar it was time to pack 'em up and head to the airport.
While we were waiting for Anna and Alex we had a great time competing in our own dance off (the things we do to keep kids entertained in the car). I was laughing so hard watching the boys jam out to all sorts of music. Once we had Anna and Alex we went back into Seattle and spent some time wandering the waterfront, driving around Alkai Beach, and visited the aquarium. Since Sunday was Father's Day we all met up at my parent's house for some family time. Boyce, my brother, brought over Little Boyce and Sailer to see Grandpa and to play with Ethan and Aidan. All of us had a great time. At one point I had all the kids dancing in the kitchen.
Disco down at Grandma's House

Monday came around and after a great morning run with spectacular mountain views it was time to get on the plane and come back to my life in Boise. I look forward to spending the 4th of July weekend with Anna, Alex, Ethan, and Adian. Stay tuned for the post.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Yard Sale

A Neighborhood Garage Sale: $0

Two Unwanted Stuffies: $1.00

Weekend Entertainment for Dogs & Humans: PRICELESS

**I must warn the sensitive viewers that there are graphic images of stuffies being harmed**

Mike and I went to a neighborhood garage sale Saturday morning . The first find was a T-Shirt for the Eagle Fire Department's 1986 Nut Feed. The Nut Feed is this weekend so Mike will be wearing his "vintage" t-shirt. It was a smokin' deal at a whole quarter. After perusing a couple of more garage sales we came across a little girl with a table fun of her unwanted stuffed animals. Poor little girl didn't know the tragedy awaiting her poor stuffies. She was probably wondering why a 28 year old woman wanted a couple of stuffed animals. With a price tag of $0.50 I couldn't resist picking up a couple for the dogs. Mike picked out the ENORMOUS bunny and I decided the pink pig was a must. Cassius was stoked to see us coming back to the car with the loot. After we settled back in at home the stuffies were handed out and the fun began. The pig has already endured two surgeries to repair war wounds and unfortunately didn't make it through the weekend. The bunny, Harvey, is awaiting an eye transplant surgery hopefully to be completed on Monday.

Cassius is a stuffed animal freak! He carries them around and flops them in the air, then at the end of the day he snuggles up with them for a sleep.

Friday, June 6, 2008

What to do when you are bored....

I have a lot of time off from work this week, and the boredom is getting to me. I usually get up, clean the house, feed the dogs, walk the dogs, hit the gym, and then.......I get bored! So today after the dogs' morning walk I busted out their arch enemy the evil camera. They are good about sitting and staying for me, but to get them to look at the camera at the same time is nearly impossible. Today, I figured out the magic words, "Wanna go for a ride?" and "Where's Daddy?". Both of them instantly perked up their ears and looked right at me. Cassius at one point nearly broke the sit stay. I need to find something more to do with my time, LOL!

"Wanna go for a ride?"

Beck: "If you didn't have possession of the magic stick (aka The Chuck-It) I would bite you in your sleep"
Cassius: "Does this chain make me look tough?"

"Wanna go see Daddy?" Notice Cassius' butt coming up off the ground, not that it really ever reaches the ground in a sit.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Celebration!

Our friends Sarah and Steve (aka Kramer) recently got married in the mountains of California. They had a great party to celebrate this past Saturday. The party was held at the Visual Arts Collective in Garden City. They served delicious Basque food ( I LOVE coquettes!) and had wonderful cupcakes from Lilly Jane's of Eagle.

Mike and I had a wonderful time catching up with a lot of friends. I was especially excited because about a year ago I was given an Indian Sari, and I finally had a fun event to wear it to.

I have to say thank you to Christina (sp?) the wonderful daughter of Stephanie Haynes for watching Walker & Olivia for us so we could attend this celebration. We were baby sitting for our good friends Susie and Wayne while they were in Utah enjoying some motorcycle racing.

D & Mr. Kitty (Doyle's Dog) Why do I always find the dogs at a party?
Stevie, Mike, & Mark

Danielle, Michelle, Susann, & Sarah
Christian, Pat, Danielle & Mark

Some of the girls at the party

Alex, Stuth, Mike, & Todd