Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Boy Turns 4!

I was taking a break from studying today when Cassius came up to me and got right into my face as he does quite frequently. Then it came to me.......he is 4. His actual birthday is October 19th, but I usually just say his birthday is on Halloween.

I remember when Mike and I went out to look at the litter of puppies that we picked Cassius from. We drove out to Nampa with Beck and pulled up to this house, well it was more of a McMansion and the interior was incredible! Anyway, we walked out to the garage and saw a tuckered out mom surrounded by 8 or so hungry pups. She looked exhausted, even more than the usual boxer does. We took our time playing with each puppy. There was one pup that was climbing up the chain link of the kennel and barking non stop. A lady that was there looked at us and said, "That one is mine." Both Mike and I looked at each other and instantly knew what the other was thinking, well good for you lady that dog will be a hassle. Little did I know that the cute little boy with the white spot on his neck who was the quietest of his litter (all of his brothers and sisters were chewing on him) and most submissive with me and Mike would turn out to be my little drunken cowboy.

After visiting with the puppies Mike and I drove home discussing whether or not we really wanted another dog. I knew it would be a lot of work, but I enjoy working with dogs so it would be rewarding. After talking it over we decided we would pick him up the next weekend.

The following Saturday, I think it was December 12th, my friend Kathy and I made the trip to Nampa to pick up the boy. Cassius did well on the ride home. He was nervous like any puppy leaving its litter for the first time. He snuggled in my lap for most of the ride.

When I got him home I brought him into the house and Beck immediately went for him. She had him pinned underneath the entry bench in seconds. I instantly panicked. The rest of the day was an utter mess, and when Mike came home from a fire department function he instantly saw the panic in my eyes. That night we started crate training and Cassius hated his crate from the beginning. He cried the whole night. I spent the night in a sleeping bag lying next to his crate with my hand poking through the wires. The next morning we re-introduced the dogs and I was relived when Beck was actually excited and started playing with him.

So the last four years the little terd has given me a run for my money and he has "encouraged" me to educate myself on the socializing and training of dogs. I have to thank the little punk because thanks to him and his shenanigans I have learned a ton about dogs, and I am better dog owner after dealing with him for the past four years.

Luckily for him he makes me laugh every day and has a face only a mother could love.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Beck Saves Us From a Monster & Cassius Takes a Hat on Safari

The other day Mike bought himself a new toy, an air compressor. He actually "needed" to buy the air compressor so we could blow out our sprinkler system for the winter. We could have called someone to come and blow out the sprinklers, but of course it is more fun for him to go out and buy another tool. What he didn't realize is that he actually bought a new toy for the dogs. Cassius has always been big into chasing things that make noise: the lawnmower, vacuum, and leaf blower. Beck has never been interested in any of the above listed items and for the most part runs into another room or area when any of them make an appearance. The air compressor is another story though. She takes personal offense to that thing and wants it dead. The video below shows just how kujo the little princess can get.

Cassius also loves to attack the air compressor, but it is a little less scary when nothing but lips are flying in the air versus Beck's big pearly whites.

The last posting of the dogs in their costumes showed Cassius in a cowboy hat with the subtitle of "Cassius as a drunken cowboy". If you don't already know little Cassius has a bit of an attitude sometimes and I lovingly call him my little drunken cowboy, among other names, because he acts like a short cowboy in a bar that only wants to pick fights with people way bigger than him. Well Stephanie also gave me a couple of safari hats, but I wasn't able to get them to stay on the dogs heads long enough to take photos of them with the hats on. Cassius snagged one of the hats this weekend and was having a great time zooming around the house with it on.

"Cassius take the hat on Safari"

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Doggie Slumber Party, A New Baby, & Halloween Costumes

Another couple of weeks have gone by without a posting, but it seems like I haven't had much time to get my act together with this blog between work and school. We haven't completely gone into hiding. About two weeks ago we had Nikkia over for the week while her mom, Stephanie, got to enjoy Disneyland, California Adventure, Medieval Times, and Universal Studios. Nikkia was a lot of fun. She spent most of her time sticking close to me to avoid Cassius who wants to play with her, but she is not interested.I have to add that Stephanie is sort of mad at me because she said I am trying to reprogram her dog. Apparently since Nikkia has been home she has started asking/demanding to be fed at 6:30 am, which is pretty early for her mom. Also, Nikkia now believes that she should have two walks or more a day and will bug her mom until she gets her way. I did walk and run them a lot while she was here, but only to tire them out so they would let me study. I don't even take my dogs for multiple walks a day on a regular basis.
Another bit of exciting news. Our good friends Cody and Kelli had their first baby on the 9th of October. Introducing Rocco Christopher Flores. I was able to meet Rocco a couple hours after he was born. I see new babies at work all the time but meeting a new one that I will get to watch grow up is always cool. He is too cute; he has lots of hair and the cutest button nose. We went to visit him this week and he liked me so much he peed all over me :) Rocco Christopher Flores born 10-9-08 @ 5:30pm
For those of you who don't know, Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday. I love all the crazy decorations and costumes. Each year I try to do something funny with the dogs and send out a Happy Halloween Card. Last year they posed with our pumpkins with Halloween Bandannas on. This year Stephanie was nice enough to let me borrow some of her dog costumes and the images below are the results of our photo shoot.
Beck dressed up as a skunk
Beck poses as a spider

Cassius not too happy about being dressed up as a pig

Cassius as a "Drunken Cowboy"
Beck the Cowgirl
Beck stayed out too late and turned into a pumpkin
Beck and Cassius portraying the stars of Charlotte's Web
" I hope this costume came with poisonous venom, because I really want to bite you right now"