Tuesday, May 31, 2011


It's official, we are in so much trouble. Cora has been taking a few steps here and there, but now she is full blown walking. To make matters worse she inherited all of the stubbornness that Mike and I both have making her one INDEPENDENT little girl. I guess I can't be too upset about that since I am the worst when it comes to letting people help me with anything. She is having a great time walking around the house, and especially loves to cruise around the backyard picking up sticks, rocks, and blade of grass. The dogs are a little more uneasy now, thank goodness Beck just gets out of the way and Cassius really doesn't care what she does to him.

We went camping a couple of weekends ago for the first time this season. We met up with a couple of other families from the fire department and had a great time. I enjoyed going for a nice run with my boy Cassius. Mike further wore him out by taking him on a mountain bike ride. Beck was happy to swim in the reservoir with our friends' dog Ruegger (SP?).

This photo is of Jemma, Rocco, & Cora. Jemma & Rocco are the daughter & son of our good friends Cody & Kelli. The three of them are so cute together. Cora really loved hugging on Jemma and stealing her sippy cup. You can see that Cora is mowing on an apple, she was pushing out her two top teeth and that apple kept her happy for almost an entire hour. Her shirt was destroyed even after two washings; one with spray & wash the other with bleach. Oh well, a onzie is a small price to pay for an hour of peace :)

Don't even think of taking my apple away!

Oh yeah, and this is priceless. I heard Cora singing in the back of the truck to herself and when I turned around she was doing this.......

Awesome!! My one year old daughter learned to pick her nose. Is this baby book worthy? They don't have a slot for 1st time nose picked in there, maybe I will add my own slot.

Ok, that is it for now. Hopefully we will have some more fun videos, photos, and stories to come.

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